a.s.,
www.tatsuno
‐
europe.com
Unattended
delivery
into
motor
vehicles
In
the
case
of
unattended
delivery,
the
customer
him/herself
lifts
the
delivery
nozzle
from
the
dispenser
and
connects
it
to
the
tank
of
the
vehicle.
After
pressing
the
control
button
button)
located
on
the
counter
case,
the
reset
of
the
electronic
counter
is
performed
and
the
pump
electric
motor
located
at
the
storage
tank
starts.
Delivery
can
be
terminated
at
any
time
by
releasing
the
control
button
or
by
pressing
the
button
(safety
button).
When
refilling
the
"full"
tank,
after
reaching
the
80%
fill
level
the
tank
filler
neck
is
closed
and
the
safety
control
(electronic
counter)
terminates
the
delivery
within
seconds
regardless
of
the
control
button.
Upon
completion,
the
customer
is
obliged
to
hang
the
delivery
nozzle
back
into
the
dispenser,
into
the
delivery
nozzle
holder.
Only
after
the
nozzle
has
been
properly
hung
up,
the
transaction
is
terminated
and
the
registration
of
the
delivery
by
the
control
system
is
completed.
‐
In
the
unattended
mode,
the
start
of
delivery
only
occurs
after
lifting
the
nozzle
and
pressing
the
button.
Delivery
termination
only
occurs
after
releasing
the
button
and
returning
the
delivery
nozzle.
In
the
attended
mode,
commencing
/
terminating
delivery
occurs
after
pressing
/
releasing
the
button.
‐
dispensers
for
unattended
fuel
stations
must
be,
in
addition
to
the
button,
also
equipped
with
a
safety
button
and
the
delivery
nozzle
position
sensor
–
see
‐
1,
art.
4.5.6
"Unattended
fuel
stations
must
be
equipped
with
a
device
to
ensure
that
the
fuel
filler
is
properly
positioned
back
after
the
fuel
delivery
is
completed"
.
Safety
at
work
with
the
dispenser/module
The
operator
is
responsible
for
the
fuel
station
operation
and
is
obliged
to
entrust
its
operation
only
to
trained
employees
having
relevant
authorization.
The
attendant
shall
competently
perform
filling
the
storage
tanks
of
refilled
vehicles,
checks
the
conditions
of
the
dispenser
and
other
devices
in
regular
intervals
as
well
as
the
operation
of
the
entire
device,
and
keeps
operating
records.
The
smoking
ban
and
ban
on
using
open
fire
within
a
radius
of
m
must
be
locate
done
a
visible
place
nearby
the
dispenser.
There
must
be
also
a
notice
on
switching
off
the
engine,
max.
filling
level
of
80%
and
securing
the
vehicle
against
spontaneous
setting
in
motion.
In
terms
of
construction,
dispensers
and
all
their
components
which
could
be
the
source
of
initiation
of
the
explosion
are
approved
by
the
state
authorized
institution,
State
Testing
Office
No.
Ostrava
Radvanice
that
issues
the
relevant
certificates.
After
detecting
possible
gas
leak
the
detector
sensors
may
be
located
in
the
dispenser
area.
However,
these
sensors
are
not
included
in
the
basic
offer.
In
terms
of
hygiene,
the
given
device
is
harmless
for
attendants
and
operators.
While
performing
operation
and
maintenance
it
is
advisable
to
protect
your
hands
by
wearing
gloves.