11 – Internal settings
OnAir OFF BWF-J Tally
When in on-air mode and the ON AIR button is OFF, set
whether a BWF-J tally is output.
Setting buttons
OFF: BWF-J tally is not output.
ON (default): BWF-J tally is output.
This setting is only effective when in on air mode. It is not
shown in other operation modes.
Even when set to OFF, BWF-J tally functions will still work in
BWF-J mode.
When set to OFF, the output of cue and tally signals will be
as follows.
Not output: BC$STANDBY, BC$END, BC$CM,
RS–232C page
Make RS-232C serial control transmission settings on this page.
Serial Mode
Set the serial connection mode with the following buttons.
Setting buttons: RS-232C, RS-422 (default)
(RS-232C support is planned for a future version upgrade)
The RS-232C and RS-422 connectors cannot both be used at
the same time. Only the connector selected with this setting
is operable.
This setting is synchronized with the Serial Mode item on the
RS-422 page.
Baud Rate (bps)
Set the transmission speed (baud rate) with these buttons.
Setting buttons: 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 (default)
Data Length
Set the data length in bits with these buttons.
Setting buttons: 7, 8 (default)
Parity Bit
Set whether or not there is a parity bit with these buttons.
Setting buttons: NONE (default), EVEN, ODD
Stop Bit
Set the stop bit with these buttons.
Setting buttons: 1 (default), 2
RS–422 page
Make RS-422 serial control transmission settings on this page.
Serial Mode
Set the serial connection mode with the following buttons.
Setting buttons: RS-232C, RS-422 (default)
(RS-232C support is planned for a future version upgrade)
The RS-232C and RS-422 connectors cannot both be used at
the same time. Only the connector selected with this setting
is operable.
This setting is synchronized with the Serial Mode item on the
RS-232C page.
Video Resolve
When slaving this unit to a VCR, video sync signals might be
used instead of word sync signals for the common standard
clock. In the same way as with word sync signals, you can
select whether the video clock is followed (synchronizing
the beginning of timecode frames with video signal frame
edges) or it is independent from the frame clock.
This must be turned ON to accurately control this unit from
a video editor.
ON button (default): Timecode frame edges synchronized
with video signal frame edges
OFF button: Independent from video frame clock
Make Ethernet communication settings on this page.
This shows this unit's MAC Address and current IP Address.
Use these buttons to enable or disable Ethernet functions.
Setting buttons: Disable (default), Enable