7 – Timeline mode
Saving timelines
Save a timeline after editing regions, adding and editing marks
or changing the timecode for the beginning of the timeline. If
you do not save the timeline, the changes will be lost when you
load another session, remove a CF card or turn the power off.
After regions have been edited or marks have been added
or edited in a session, an “*” appears in the session name
icon. In addition, when a "*" is shown, if you import AES31
editing information, load another project/session or change
the operation mode, for example, a pop-up message will
appear confirming whether or not you want to save the
current timeline data.
1. Press the HOME key to open the Home Screen.
2. Touch the session name button on the Home Screen to open
a pull-down menu. Then, press the SAVE button in the menu
to save the timeline to the selected CF card.
While saving, a progress status pop-up appears.
When saving completes, the pop-up disappears.
When you save a timeline, the contents of the timeline
are overwritten in the AES31 file that was last imported/
exported and that file is exported (output).
Importing all takes
Each take is imported to the timeline at the timecode set in
the take. Takes that do not have set timecodes are imported
at 00h 00m 00s 00f.
The current timeline will be cleared and all tracks that match the
TIMELINE Rec Tracks setting in the folder for the current session
will be imported to the timeline.
1. Press the HOME key on the front panel to open the Home
2. Touch the session name button on the Home Screen to open
a pull-down menu.
3. Touch the IMPORT ALL TAKES button in the pull-down menu.
4. Check the settings on the confirmation pop-up message
that appears.
Touch the OK button or press the DATA dial to clear the
current timeline, and import all the takes in the current
session folder.
Touch the CANCEL button to return to the Home Screen.
Takes that do not correspond to the current TIMELINE Rec
Tracks setting will not be imported.
If the TIMELINE Rec Tracks setting is "2tr", two-channel
polyphonic files will be imported.