Removing and Installing the Rear
Window (For full-removal type top)
The rear widow of your vehicle is remov-
able. This allows you to access the cargo
area or to replace the window if it be-
comes deteriorated. To remove the rear
1) Unfasten the canvas flaps at the lower
corners of the rear window.
2) Unhook the rear window frame from
the rear gate. First pull the canvas at
the bottom of the window straight
back at both ends, then pull the win-
dow frame at the center of the win-
dow down and back.
3) Unzip the zipper and remove the rear
To install the rear window, reverse the
procedure used to remove it. Make sure
that the end of the zipper is pushed all
the way in (as shown in the illustration
below) before zipping up the zipper.
When installing the rear window,
make sure that it is fully closed and
both corner flaps are fastened, or
exhaust gas can enter the vehicle.
Removing and Installing the Canvas Top
(For full-removal type top)
To remove the canvas top:
1) Remove the rear window as de-
scribed under "Removing and Install-
ing the Rear Window".
2) Unfasten the straps that secure the
side windows to the top bow. Un-
snap the straps that connect the side
window frames to the top bow, un-
wrap the straps from around the top
bow, and refasten the snaps.