4) Once the dirt has been completely
removed, rinse off the detergent with
running water.
5) After rinsing, wipe off the vehicle body
with a wet chamois or cloth and allow
it to dry in the shade.
6) If your vehicle has a canvas top, special
care should be taken to clean and
preserve it.
a) After washing the canvas top, make
sure it is completely dry before
opening or removing.
b) If you use vinyl cleaner on the
canvas top, do not allow any vinyl
cleaner to run down and dry on the
paint, leaving a streak.
c) Do not wash your canvas top at an
automatic car wash.
d) Do not shower the canvas top with
a strong spray of water, especially
on the zippers and where the can-
vas meets the vehicle body.
e) When washing the plastic w i n -
dows, follow the special directions
outlined below.
7) Check carefully for damage to painted
surfaces. If there is any damage,
"touch-up" the damage following the
procedure below:
a) Clean all damaged spots and allow
them to dry.
b) Stir the paint and "touchup" the
damaged spots lightly using a small
c) Allow the paint to dry completely.
Cleaning plastic windows on canvas top
The plastic windows on the canvas top
are so pliable that they can be scratched
if special care is not taken. Care for your
windows as outlined below:
* To wipe off dust, use a soft cotton
cloth dampened with clean water.
Move the cloth in one direction. Never
use a dry cloth.
* To remove frost, snow or ice, use luke-
warm water. Do not use a scraper or
de-icing chemicals.
* To wash the windows, be sure to use
lukewarm or cold water. Do not use
hot water or strong soap or deter-
gents. Never use solvents such as
alcohol or harsh cleaning agents. After
thoroughly rinsing, wipe with a soft
and slightly moist, clean cloth.
* Never paste stickers, gummed labels
or any tape to the windows. It is very
hard to remove adhesives left on the
windows after removing such stickers
or labels.
After washing the vehicle, waxing and
polishing are recommended to further
protect and beautify the paint.
* Only use waxes and polishes of good
* When using waxes and polishes, ob-
serve the precautions specified by the
Other canvas top notes
The canvas top is weaker and less durable
than a conventional top. It may leak dur-
ing a strong rain. It may become deterio-
rated after a period of exposure to
sunshine or cold weather. To keep your
canvas top in good condition, SUZUKI
recommends you keep your vehicle in a
dry garage if possible. When the top is
removed, store it in a clean, dry place.