List of tables
02/2019 | ID 442728.05
List of tables
Maximum symmetrical nominal short-circuit current of the supply module ............
Meaning of the specifications on the PS6 nameplate.............................................
Example code for the PS6 type designation...........................................................
Meaning of the specifications on the SI6 nameplate ..............................................
Electrical data for parallel connection: Example combinations...............................
SI6 electrical data, size 0, at 4 kHz clock frequency...............................................
SI6 electrical data, size 0, at 8 kHz clock frequency...............................................
SI6 electrical data, size 1, at 4 kHz clock frequency...............................................
SI6 electrical data, size 1, at 8 kHz clock frequency...............................................
SI6 electrical data, size 2, at 4 kHz clock frequency...............................................
SI6 electrical data, size 2, at 8 kHz clock frequency...............................................
SI6 electrical data, size 3, at 4 kHz clock frequency...............................................