7 | Project configuration
02/2019 | ID 442728.05
Project configuration
Relevant information on the project configuration and design of your drive system can be found
in the following chapters.
Supply module
Information on design and operation
Note for the design of the supply module that the summed self-capacitance of all SI6 drive
controllers may not exceed the maximum charging capacity of the supply module.
Minimum time between energizing two devices
The supply modules have temperature-dependent resistors in the charging circuit that prevent
devices from being damaged when being connected to the grid after a fault, such as a short-
circuited DC link, incorrect wiring, etc. These resistors are heated when charging the DC link.
For cyclic power-on/power-off operation, the following is to be observed to prevent the charging
capacities of the supply modules from being exceeded:
a) PS6 without braking resistor: Direct, repeat activation of the supply voltage possible
b) PS6 with braking resistor and an interval < 30 s after power-off: Direct, repeat activation of
the supply voltage possible
c) PS6 with braking resistor and an interval > 30 s after power-off: Reactivation of the supply
voltage only possible 2 min after previous activation!
The STO safety function is available for safe shutdown as an alternative to continuous, cyclical
power-on/power-off operation.