5 | System configuration
02/2019 | ID 442728.05
Battery module
Absolute Encoder Support (AES)
ID No. 55452
Battery module for buffering the power supply when using the EnDat 2.2
digital inductive encoder with battery-buffered multi-turn stage, for
example EBI1135 or EBI135.
A battery is included.
Note that a 15-pin extension cable between the socket and the AES may be necessary for the
connection to the drive controller due to limited space.
a) A commercially available shielded extension cable with a 15-pin D-sub connector and a
length of ≤ 1 m can be used between the socket and the AES.
AES replacement battery
ID No. 55453
Replacement battery for AES battery module.
HTL-to-TTL adapter
HT6 HTL-to-TTL adapter
ID No. 56665
Adapters for SC6 and SI6 series drive controllers for level conversion
from HTL signals to TTL signals.
It is used to connect an HTL differential incremental encoder to terminal
X4 of the drive controller.
Interface adapters
AP6A00 interface adapters
ID No. 56498
Adapter (9/15-pin) for connecting resolver cables with a 9-pin D-sub
connector to the X4 encoder interface of the drive controller.