02/2019 | ID 442728.05
Fail Safe over EtherCAT (FSoE)
Protocol for transferring safety-related data via EtherCAT using a FSoE master and an
indefinite number of FSoE slaves (i.e. devices that have a Safety over EtherCAT interface).
The protocol enables the realization of functional safety via EtherCAT. FSoE and its
implementation are TÜV-certified and comply with the SIL 3 requirements in accordance
with IEC 61508.
Fast discharge
Active running process that causes the capacitors to discharge. This process is completed
significantly faster than the self-discharge process. For example, the PS6 supply module
has a fast discharge function but it is only active when a braking resistor is connected and
the 24 V power supply is switched on. No fast discharge is possible for overloaded braking
MV number
The number of the material variant ordered and delivered as stored in STOBER's enterprise
resource planning system, i.e. the device-specific combination of all hardware and software
Output choke
This type of choke is used to reduce high-frequency currents on electric lines and thus
increase the interference immunity and availability of drive systems. They reduce current
peaks caused by line capacitance at the power output of the drive controller. They make
long motor cables possible, increase the motor service life and reduce harmonic currents.
Performance Level (PL)
In accordance with DIN EN 13849-1: Measure for the reliability of a safety function or a
component. The Performance Level is measured on a scale of a – e (lowest – highest PL).
The higher the PL, the safer and more reliable the function in question is. The PL can be
assigned to a specific SIL. A reversed inference from a SIL to a PL is not possible.
PTC thermistor
Thermistor whose resistance significantly changes with the temperature. When a PTC
reaches its defined nominal response temperature, the resistance increases dramatically, by
two or more times the original resistance, to several kOhms. Since PTC triplets are used,
each thermistor monitors one phase of the motor winding. For 3 thermistors, this means all
3 phases are monitored, achieving effective motor protection.
Reverse documentation
Refers to a read-only file read out by a drive controller that includes the fault memory in
addition to the configuration of a drive controller. This file is a snapshot of the time that the
connection between the PC and drive controller was interrupted. The information it contains
is used for diagnostics as well as for processing service requests.