A.0500.251 – IM-TL/13.00 EN (08/2009)
9.0 Single and Double O-ring seal
9.1 General information
• The removable O-ring holder (containing the O-rings) is built into the seal cover,
which is assembled in the rotor case from the front end, and locked by the friction
forces of O-rings.
• The O-rings are running on the rotating shaft sleeve which is locked on the shaft.
• Seal faces on the shaft sleeve coated with tungsten carbide.
• Suitable for two directions of rotation
• Double arrangement quenched or flushed, pressurised or unpressurised.
Technical data
Materials of O-rings:
Fluorocarbon FPM
EPDM-FDA (E1 i.e.certified food quality)
PTFE lined (T)
Perfluor Chemraz
* Perfluor Kalrez
Up to the temperature limit of the pump
Maximum pressure:
Up to the operating pressure limit of the pump
Maximum pressure of
quench/flushing medium:
16 bar
Pressurised seal:
The pressure of quench/flush medium should be 0.5 bar
higher than the process pressure
Unpressurised seal:
Pressure is lower than or equal to the process pressure
Circumferential speed:
Less than 0.5 m/s
* Kalrez is a registered trademark of DuPont Performance Elastomers.