TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
TRAK TMC Mills with ProtoTRAK RMX CNC Safety, Installation, Maintenance, Service & Parts List
Section C - Diagnostic Code Details
The following codes are used primarily when diagnosing a problem with the machine. To get to any of
these codes go to Service Codes, press “C” and press the code you wish to view.
Code 54: Program Continuous Run
This Code runs a program continuously without
stopping for GO commands. It is helpful in running a long
period to identify an intermittent problem.
Prepare a program as you normally would.
Code 54
. The program run will start automatically.
to stop, and
to continue.
Code 81: Program Panel Test
This code is used to check if the buttons located on the program panel are functioning correctly. It allows
you to test each key individually. When you press the keys, the corresponding box for that key will
highlight on the screen. The pendant will also beep, indicating that the key is working correctly. If one of
the keys does not work, the program panel assembly or run panel may need to be replaced. If none of
the keys are working, you may want to check the connections from the back of the program panel or run
panel to the overlay interface board.
Code 131: Manual DRO
A manual diagnostic routine used to check the motors’ encoders. Manually turn the X or Y axis ballscrew
to display the actual DRO counts and the raw encoder counts. The DRO will display counts unaffected
from calibration compensation.
CODE 132: Electronic Handwheel Test
This service code can be used to troubleshoot any issues seen with the electronic handwheel. Simply turn
the handwheel in either direction, and the display should increment 1 count per click, 100 counts per
revolution. The counts are the same for the front panel handwheel on the run panel as well as the three
Code 314: Toggle Test Lights ‘On’
in Status Line
This code toggles a group of test lights up on the top of the display when turned ON. The lights are used
to help determine if there are any communication problems between the computer and the motion
control hardware. They would ideally be used for issues where the control appears to be slow to respond,
or not responding at all, especially when trying to run a program. An SWI Service Rep may ask you to
turn these lights on and describe their status while troubleshooting.
Code 319: Error Log
This code when turned on captures the commands that were sent to the servo system. It includes items
such as positioning commands, errors, stop and go commands, feed rates, etc. It may be helpful for
identifying problems between programmed commands and executed commands. To turn the error log on
/ off, press the F6 softkey. Use the left and right arrow keys to scroll through the file one page at a time.
Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the file one line at a time. The DATA BOTTOM key
takes you to the bottom of the file and then changes to DATA TOP which will take you back to the top.
The file will capture data until the file reaches a size of approximately 20 MB. At this time the file is saved