TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
TRAK TMC Mills with ProtoTRAK RMX CNC Safety, Installation, Maintenance, Service & Parts List
Computer Related Issues
USB Not Working on Pendant Enclosure
When plugging in a USB device the control does not recognize it. Service Code 540 may be needed
depending upon repairs needed.
Code 540
Disable File-Based Write Filter
Possible Cause
Check This
USB drive not working
Verify USB works on known good PC, replace USB drive if
it failed.
Device driver not loaded on control
Device driver may not be installed for USB device or be
corrupted. Run service code 540 and load USB driver.
Poor USB cable connections
Check different USB port. If good problem with previous
USB port. Check cable from bad USB to computer board
following cable from USB to computer connections as
shown on the photo. Make sure both cables are properly
seated. Check all USB ports
All USB drives not working
Motherboard problem, contact TRAK for service to replace
programming panel.