TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
TRAK TMC Mills with ProtoTRAK RMX CNC Safety, Installation, Maintenance, Service & Parts List
12K Spindle Option
12K Spindle Operation
The 12K spindle option is available to shops that need for higher spindle speeds for higher production
rates and also for longer contour machining like that used in mold making. Shops may have a small
ballnose endmill doing 3-axis movements for hours to create a smooth surface. Faster speeds mean then
can keep feeds high and still reach the necessary finish requirements.
Whatever the reason TRAK provides a heavy-duty system providing extra speed and cooling inside the
spindle right at the work surface.
Figure 8.1a
Heat Exchanger
The 12K RPM spindle option requires many parts to be changed when compared to the standard 8K
spindle. Due to the substantial increase in speed and expected heat generation from increased production
capabilities, the TMC requires an additional cooling system for the spindle. Figure 8.1a shows the heat
exchanger installed on the rear of a TMC.