TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
TRAK TMC Mills with ProtoTRAK RMX CNC Safety, Installation, Maintenance, Service & Parts List
Calibration Table
Once an axis is selected, you will see the table where all the calibration offsets are stored.
Press the
button, followed by the GO button to have the machine move to the home
position of the axis you are calibrating. The other two axis will stay wherever they are. The first offset
should always have a 0 value for its offset, since it’s the starting point. On
ce the machine is at home,
press the
button to have the machine move to the next position.
Assuming that you have a laser system or some means of measuring the amount of table movement, you
can now compare the actual distanced traveled versus what is displayed on the mini-DRO. Enter the
difference between the two into the offset field. Enter a positive value in order to increase the travel, or
a negative value in order to decrease the travel. So, for example, if after moving to the first position the
mini-DRO read
25.000mm, but your laser system measured
25.002mm of actual movement, you would
0.002 as the offset value.
- This calibration table will always display metric values.
Press the
button again to move to the next position. Keep entering the offset values for each
position as described above. Once you have finished calibrating the axis, press the
button to save the table to the machine. From then on it will begin using the calibration offsets. If you
press RETURN and exit the screen before pressing
, the values will not be saved.
After saving your offsets, you will want to press
to run through the same sequence
again, but this time the calibration offsets will be applied, and you can confirm the accuracy of the offsets
that you’ve entered into the table with your laser system.
This button will wipe out all the values from the current calibration table. Only recommended if
you know you need to recalibrate the machine.