TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
TRAK TMC Mills with ProtoTRAK RMX CNC Safety, Installation, Maintenance, Service & Parts List
Failure to manually activate the pump at the beginning of each day if the control was left on and the
machine has been idle for a long period of time may cause severe damage to the TRAK TMC linear
guides and ballscrews.
To manually activate the lube pump, use service code 300. Repeat this process 2 or 3 times.
Other TMC Lubrication Points
Tool Change Air Cylinder Oil Cup supplies oil to the “Air Over Oil” cylinder and should not require
replenishment. However, if it does fill the oil cup on the front of this cylinder with ISO VG 32/SAE
10W slideway oil.
Once every 2 weeks:
Fill the oiler that supplies lubrication to the solenoid valves and other various components within
the pneumatic system with ISO VG 32/SAE 10W slideway oil. It holds approximately 5 ounces.
Grease fitting on ATC
Apply a good grade of general-purpose grease like Shell Darina AX or equivalent through the
grease fitting on the top of the ATC. This provides lubrication to the sliding rails as the ATC
moves in and out from the spindle. Make sure to supply enough grease to distribute grease
through the grease line that connects between the top and bottom rail.