TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
TRAK TMC Mills with ProtoTRAK RMX CNC Safety, Installation, Maintenance, Service & Parts List
Figure 4.4.3b
ATC “In”
Is a limit switch that detects that the ATC has advanced all the way forward to the spindle.
ATC “Out”
Is a limit switch that detects that the ATC has retracted all the way back from the spindle.
Tool “Unclamp”
Is a limit switch that detects that the tool unclamp mechanism is in the unclamped state. If this limit
switch is not set or functioning properly, there is the potential that the draw bar could get friction welded
to the air cylinder adjusting screw. This switch is triggered only when you are physically loading a tool in
and out of the spindle. Pressing the green button on the head puts the machine in this state.
Tool “Clamp”
Is a limit switch that detects that the tool clamp mechanism is in the clamped state.
ATC Flow Control Valves
The speed at which the ATC can move inward or outward can be controlled by the flow control valves.
The flow control valve on the left controls the speed at which the ATC travels inward. The flow control
valve on the right controls the speed at which the ATC travels outward. In the case of either valve, an
adjustment in the clockwise direction reduces the speed of the ATC sliding assembly, and an adjustment
in the counter clockwise direction increases the speed of the ATC sliding assembly.