Version 5.2
Sourcefire 3D System Installation Guide
Hardware Specifications
Sourcefire Defense Centers
Chapter 6
table describes the conditions under which the
system status LED might be lit.
DC1500 Chassis Rear View
The rear of the chassis contains the connection ports and power supply.
DC1500 System Status
Any critical or non-recoverable threshold crossing associated with the
following events:
temperature, voltage, or fan critical threshold crossing
power subsystem failure
the system is unable to power up due to incorrectly installed processors or
processor incompatibility
critical event logging errors, including System Memory Uncorrectable ECC
error and fatal/uncorrectable bus errors, such as PCI SERR and PERR
A non-critical condition is a threshold crossing associated with the following
temperature, voltage, or fan non-critical threshold crossing
chassis intrusion
Set Fault Indication command from system BIOS; the BIOS may use the
command to indicate additional, non-critical status such as system memory
or CPU configuration changes
A degraded condition is associated with the following events:
one or more processors are disabled by Fault Resilient Boot (FRB) or BIOS
BIOS has disabled or mapped out some of the system memory
Management Interface
VGA Port
USB Ports
Serial Port
Power Supply
Alternate eStreamer Interface