HGM93XX MPU(CAN) Series Genset Controller Version: 1.1 2016-11-03 Page 26 of 77
Mains load is transferred into generator load, after the delay of switch off and transfer
interval, generator switch on. Detecting transfer fail while generator switch on. After
detecting time out, if switch on fail, then wait for generator switch on. If transfer fail and
warning “SELECT Enable”, there is alarming signal.
2) If input port is not configured as Close Mains Auxiliary
Mains load is transferred into generator load, after switch off and transfer interval delay,
generator switch on.
The way to transfer generator load to mains load is as same as above.
Manual control procedures,
When controller is in Manual mode, manual control will be executive.
Users can control switch on or off by pressing panel key.
Press generator switch on key
, generator will output load signal. Press generator switch
off key
, generator will output unload signal.
Auto control procedures,
When controller is in auto mode, switch control procedures will start auto transfer.
1) If input port is configured as Close Mains Auxiliary
A. If “Open breaker detect” is select “Enable”
Generator load is transferred into generator unload, after the open delay, the controller
detects “transfer failure” while open signal is outputting. When detecting time out, if open
failed, it will wait for breaker opened. Otherwise, breaker open is completed.
Generator unload is transferred into generator load, after the close delay, the controller
detects “transfer failure” while close signal is outputting. When detecting time out, if close
failed, it will wait for breaker closed. Otherwise, breaker close is completed.
If transfer failed and warning select “Enable”, there is alarming signal whatever breaker
open or close failure.
B. If “Open breaker detect” is select “Disable”
Generator unload is transferred into generator load, after the close delay, the controller
detects “transfer failure” while close signal is outputting. When detecting time out, if close
failed, it will wait for breaker closed. Otherwise, breaker close is completed.
If transfer failed and warning select “Enable”, there is alarming signal whatever breaker
open or close failure.