System Maintenance
Removing a Sensor from Service
SKF Wireless Machine Condition Sensor
Service Manual
Removing a Sensor from Service
After switching off a sensor, the gateway will determine it has lost connection with the
sensor in approximately 15 minutes. You can force the sensor icon in the Device
Manager hierarchy to turn red by right-clicking on the sensor to be removed and
executing an
Update Device Information
command. The status of the corresponding
machine in Analyst will switch to disabled once the status has been exported by Device
Figure 47
Update Device Information
Replacing an Existing Sensor in Service
Commissioning Network Available
Switch off the sensor to be replaced in the production network. The status of the
sensor will turn red in Device Manager and the corresponding machine in Analyst
will be disabled in about 15 minutes or you can force the sensor icon to turn red by
executing an
Update Device Information
command on the sensor to be replaced.
Switch on the new sensor to join the commissioning network
. (This process is the
same as configuring a new sensor to join a production network
, except in this case
the name of the new sensor must be changed to match the long tag of the sensor
to be replaced.)
Modify the name of the new sensor to match the Long Tag of the sensor to be
Modify the sensor network settings (Network ID and Join Key) to
the production
Switch off the sensor and switch it back o
n to join the production network
The status of the replaced sensor will return to green and the corresponding machine in
Analyst will be re-enabled.
No Commissioning Network
In Device Manager, go to the
Batch Service Management
tab and stop the
batch service.
Switch off the sensor to be replaced. The status indicator will turn red in Device
Manager or you can force it to turn red by executing an
Update Device
command on the sensor.