SKF Wireless Machine Condition Sensor
Service Manual
The P+F Gateway’s Web Page
The P+F gateway’s web page gives field service personnel a wide range of information
and possible actions to take when pursuing customer issues or questions. In this
chapter, we will discuss the following:
How to access the P+F gateway’s web page
Known issues with the gateway’s firmware
The significance of the Network ID and Join Key
Why and how to prepare a commissioning gateway (including a gateway from
another vendor)
How to join the sensors to the commissioning network
Comparison of features available with P+F vs. Emerson gateways
Accessing the Web Page
The P+F gateway’s web page gives field service personnel a wide range of information
and possible actions when pursuing customer issues or questions. To access this tool,
follow the steps below.
You will want to set up the configuration computer to join the
customer’s network.
Verify with the customer the correct gateway IP address on the network. (The P+F
gateway’s factory default IP address is
Enter the gateway’s IP address into your browser’s address bar to access the P+F
gateway’s configuration web page.
The default username is
; the default password is also
Figure 7
Authentication Required
Dialog for P+F Gateway’s Web Page.