SKF Wireless Machine Condition Sensor
Index - 1
Service Manual
Access Control List (ACL) 74
active advertising 21
add a new sensor 79
batch service 11
batch service, stop 46
battery temperature 3
blacklisting channels 77
block transfer 8
burst mode 8, 43
cache 8
change a sensor name 81
channel blacklisting 77
commissioning gateway 18
communication log 92
data collection
Command 9 51
Command 93 47
setup 43
Use Cache check box 46
waveform time estimate 52
data flow 11
Device Manager, import sensors to database 35
Device Manager, sensor icon color codes 36
device status 89
device status, extended 90
Diagnostics Details 69
DTS, date time stamp 48, 57
edit a sensor name 81
execution log 92
expert features 39
calibration 40
generic HART command 42
use wireless/wired communication 39
exporting measurement collection period 53
FAN, Final Assembly Number 41
fast pipe 7, 8
firmware upgrade 86, 87
flash LED 7
flush gateway command queue 75
gateway command queue flush 75
gateway installation torque 22
gateway’s web page
access 15
firmware 16
firmware verify 16
global advertising 21
hazardous area certification 3
join network
fail to join 74
over and over 75
propagate new settings 55
known issue
Device Manager, empty window 37
Device Manager, gateway connection status
cycles 37
Device Manager, UAC not disabled 27
Device Manager, unhandled exception when
closing 37
Device Manager, waveform upload slow 37
gateway’s firmware 16
Java applet needed to show gateway’s web
page 16
monitor resolution 11
P2 profile 16
time synch 17
web page, manual refresh slow 16
web page, refresh manually 16
leaf node 8, 38
license key 11