Wireless Sensor Device Manager
Data Collection Scheduling
SKF Wireless Machine Condition Sensor
Service Manual
In Figure 25, the last column on the right shows the waveform collection schedules with
Vibration Cyclic Update
set at one, two and three hour intervals, according to the
Starting at
time (or Start Time),
Reference Time
. The
Reference Time
is when the Device Manager queries the sensor for the first
measurement of the day, at 8:05 a.m. in this example. The
is how often the
query is repeated, every 24 hours in this example. The date time stamp (DTS) of the
collected waveform is not at 8:05 a.m. because the sensor only returns the waveform
sampled during its previous Vibration Cyclic Update, which was at 7:30 a.m. for the 1-
hour and 2-hour Cyclic Updates and at 5:30 a.m. for the 3-hour Cyclic Update.
Figure 25
Waveform Measurement Schedules.
In Figure 26, the last column on the right shows the valid Possible Data Collection
Periods of temperature data for the burst Update Periods of 20, 40 and 60 minutes.
Unlike the vibration readings, the temperature sampling interval is fixed at every 5
minutes regardless of the Vibration Cyclic Update. As a result, with the burst Update
Period set at 20 minutes (which equals a 1-hour burst publishing cycle), all 12
measurements collected within the hour are published to the gateway every hour.
Therefore, all Collection Periods – 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 60 minutes – are valid.
the 60 minute Collection Period makes sense with the burst Update Periods set to 40
minutes or 60 minutes, which are equivalent to 2-hour and 3-hour publishing cycles,
For 2-hour and 3-hour Vibration Cyclic Updates, you must still
use the 20 minute Update Period if you want to collect
temperature data more often than 60 minutes apart.
Figure 26
Temperature Trend Measurement Schedules.
Some gateway manufacturers do not support Command 93 caching
(e.g., Emmerson and Siemens gateways). If you are using non P+F gateways, you must
use a Command 9 burst message to burst your vibration overalls and temperature
measurement results for use with Device Manager and Analyst systems.