Network Planning and Diagnostics
Network Diagnostics
SKF Wireless Machine Condition Sensor
Service Manual
Number of duplicate packets received. A duplicate packet is sent if no
acknowledgement is received for any hop in the packet’s journey to
manager. A high number of duplicate packets indicates problems with
the mote-to-mote communication.
Number of data packets forwarded by the mote to a neighbor.
Number of data packets that manager expected, but did not receive.
Total number of packets received by network motes.
Number of data packets terminated by the mote.
Total number of packets transmitted by network motes, and total
number of packets for which no acknowledgement was received.
Mote or network reliability
The network statistics report shows an aggregated number for reliability, stability and
latency. In addition, detailed communication information is listed for each sensor,
including relative received signal strength values between communication nodes
(ABPower / BAPower) meas
ured in dBm.
The wireless network’s stability is a result of received signal level and background noise
level (i.e., from a WLAN). In addition, traffic by people and/or vehicles may cause
temporary loss of stability.
As a general rule, if the stability percentage for a node is above 95%, the operational
margin is OK. If it is lower, you should consider installing additional router nodes to
increase signal to noise ratio, or investigate ways to reduce background noise by moving
WLAN routers or changing WLAN channel usage.