Wireless Sensor Device Manager
Data Collection Scheduling
SKF Wireless Machine Condition Sensor
Service Manual
Command 93 Example
The first example illustrates a sensor configured with Command 93 (burst mode). The
sensor always bursts the last 12 measurements with a
ccurate date/time stamps
. The
system can still recover the last 12 measurements (the trend) even after the gateway
has been down for that period of time.
Figure 23
Command 93 Burst Mode –
Data Collection
Tab Example.
In Figure 24, the last column on the right shows the trend collection schedule with the
Vibration Cyclic Update
set at one, two and three hour intervals, based on the
Starting at
time. The
Starting at
time (or Start Time, outlined in red)
specifies when to take the first measurement of the day. The
Vibration Cyclic Update
is the time interval at which the sensor samples a new set of measurements and saves
them in its memory. With the burst
Update Period
set to 20 minutes (see Figure 21),
the publishing cycle duration is one hour, as shown in Figure 22. The
Update Period
20 minutes works fine for the 1-hour Vibration Cyclic Update interval. However, the 20
minute setting would waste battery power for the 2-hour and 3-hour Vibration Cyclic
Update intervals because the sensor would burst the same set of measurements twice
at one hour intervals with the 2-hour Cyclic Update and three times at one hour
intervals with the 3-hour Cyclic Update. If the Update Period is modified to 40 minutes
for the 2-hour Cyclic Update, and 60 minutes for the 3-hour Cyclic Update, then the
sensor will burst only the new set of measurements once per Vibration Cyclic Update
Figure 24
Overall Trending Measurement Schedule