SKF Wireless Machine Condition Sensor
Service Manual
Scope and Purpose
The intended audience for this manual is Certified Service Technician and Technical
Support personnel who provide detailed technical work to customers, either over the
telephone or in person. It is assumed that these people are already familiar with the
SKF @ptitude Monitoring Suite
as well as Microsoft’s Operating Systems for Desktop
(XP, Vista, 7), Server (2008) and Windows Services.
This document is intended to assist Certified Service Technician and Technical Support
personnel in installing, configuring, supporting and troubleshooting the SKF Wireless
Machine Condition Sensor (CMWA 8800) in WirelessHART networks.
The Wireless Sensor Device Manager software application is commonly called “Device
Manager” in this Service Manual. In some directory paths and file names it is referred
to as “WSDM.”
SKF @ptitude Analyst is commonly called “Analyst” in this Service Manual.
FUCHS is commonly called “P+F” in this Service Manual.
Related Documentation
Part No.
Wireless Sensor Device Manager User Manual
SKF Wireless Machine Condition Sensor (CMWA 8800)
System Setup Guide
P/N 32257600
FUCHS WirelessHART Gateway WHA-GW
User Manual
FUCHS WirelessHART Adapter WHA-ADP-
*-Z1(EX1) User Manual