IK360 -CAN
Date: 23.01.2017 Page 22 of 41 Art.no. 86089 Mod. Status 10/17
CANopen bus network configuration
Click on the bus connecting the IK360 inclinometer and the PLC. Select the bus configuration
option to define the name of the bus, the transmission speed and supervision time. Make sure,
that the IK360 is programmed to the appropriate baud rate as that of the bus.
Linking of CANopen master and IK360 Transmit-PDOs
Select the CANopen link of the controller. Click on the configuration option. The PDOs of the
slave are mapped on the CANopen master, so that the information contained in the objects at
the slave end are transmitted and saved on to the controller’s memory.
IK360 & Controller memory configuration
The current and updated position values from the IK360 encoder are mapped on to an
EEPROM memory location in the controller. This memory location, in this case %IWC1.0.0 and
IWC1.1.0 will always contain the slope values, obtained from the object 6010h of the IK360,
when the controller is online.