IK360 -CAN
Date: 23.01.2017 Page 14 of 41 Art.no. 86089 Mod. Status 10/17
(Object 6011h)
With the operating parameter it is possible to change the sense of
rotation (inversion) and switch on/off the scaling. For using the preset
function the scaling has to be switched on.
Bit 1
Bit 0
Position Calculation
-X (10000h
– X für 16
bit objects, 100000000h
– X for 32bit objects)
(X + Object 6013h +
Object 6014h)
(-X + Object 6013h +
Object 6014h)
Preset Value
(Object 6012h)
The preset value is the desired position value, which should be reached
at a certain physical position of the axis. The position value is set to the
desired process value by the parameter preset, when scaling is
switched on. IK360-2 axis used Object 6012h for X-Axis and Object
6013h for Y-Axis. IK360-1 axis used Object 6012h for the Z-Axis.
Node Number
(Object 3000h)
The setting of the node number is achieved via SDO-Object. Possible
(valid) addresses lie between 1 and 127, but each address can only be
used once.
Baud rate
(Object 3001h)
The baud rate can be programmed via SDO.
Filter can be used to adjust the frequency of measurements and
calculation of position values. Object 3100h corresponds to moving
average filter and 3022h is for digital recursive filter. Default: Object
3100h, Object 3022h: 0).
Appendix A has a detailed list of all the objects, which can be programmed with IK360
CANopen. The data type, data size, default value, r/w access definition and all sub-indexes are
mentioned in it. It is necessary to read the appendix A for clear knowledge before programming.
Appendix A has a lot of important programming tips, which are necessary for the proper use of
the inclinometer.
PDO Transmission
Process Data Objects (PDOs) communicate process information / data and enable them to be
exchanged in real time. A CANopen device's PDO set describes the implicit exchanges between
this device and its communication partners on the network. The exchange of PDOs is
authorized, when the device is in "Operational" mode.
Note: The PDOs can be directly mapped in to memory locations on the controller and can
be viewed upon reading those memory locations. An example is provided in the next
section with a SCHNEIDER-TWIDO controller.