IK360 -CAN
Date: 23.01.2017 Page 20 of 41 Art.no. 86089 Mod. Status 10/17
CANopen Master Configuration
IK360 inclinometer
– Electronic Data Sheet (EDS)
The IK360 EDS file once uploaded will load all the objects including the PDOs to the controller.
The Schneider system automatically identifies the PDOs and maps them on to the slave device.
Connection network setup
The illustration below describes the connection of the elements in the CAN bus. At first the
CANopen communication interface is connected to the main controller. Then the inclinometer is
connected to the CANopen communication interface.
The next step after the setup of the network is the configuration of all the parameters and
settings, to facilitate the communication between the master, slave and the controller.
This picture is the overall description of the setup, with the TWIDO TWDLMDA20DTK controller,
TWDNCO1M CANopen communication expansion module and the IK360 EDS file.