Description of the device
4.2 Product groups
Operating Instructions, 05/2016, A5E01113043-20
Terminal block for signaling contact and power supply
The terminal block of the X-300EEC for connecting the signaling contact and power supply
has the following terminals:
F1, F2: Signaling contact
The 2 signaling contacts on the device version with a redundant power supply are
energized in parallel.
L1, M1: Power supply 1
L2, M2: Power supply 2 (redundant version)
The power supply units for the power supply are available in the following versions:
24 to 48 VDC
As multirange power supply unit 100 to 240 VAC / 60 to 250 VDC
RJ-45 interface
The RJ-45 ports of the IE Switch X-300EEC are fitted with a securing bracket instead of a
securing collar.
To increase mechanical stability, secure the IE FC RJ-45 PLUGs to this securing bracket
with a cable binder.
LEDs of the X-300EEC
You will find the meaning of the individual LEDs in the section "LED display (Page 151)".