Device Account Mode Setting
A specific user can be registered as an auto login user. When this option is enabled, the registered user can log in the
machine automatically.
This function can eliminate each login procedure on the authentication screen and apply the selected user settings
(such as network authentication and favorite operations). As an example, this enables uses such as "authentication for
copying only".
Also, you can temporarily log in as a user other than the auto login user, and operate the machine with the privileges of
this user. To allow other users to log in temporarily when [Device Account Mode] is enabled, select [Allow Login by
Different User].
Login User
This setting is used to select the auto login user when auto user login is enabled.
Cache User Information
Set whether or not automatically registered users are created. Externally authenticated users in Sharp OSA can also be
automatically registered.
Cache Period
Select the cache period for user information.
To set the cache period, [Cache User Information] must be enabled.
Cache Password for Authentication
Set whether or not password information is retained as cache information when a user is cached.
Store user authentication information for External Connect
Set whether or not authentication information for connection to the cloud is retained as cache information.
When this setting is enabled, the authentication information of a successfully authenticated user is retained to enable
smooth authentication when the user subsequently logs in.
When this setting is disabled, the previously retained cloud connection authentication information of all users is deleted
and authentication information is no longer retained.
Card Setting
Use IC Card for Authentication
Use these settings for authentication and for use of a HID or other IC card.
Request Password at IC Card Authentication
This can be enabled when "Authentication Settings" is "Active Directory" and "Use IC Card for Authentication" is
enabled. When enabled, a password must be entered each time authentication is performed by IC card. When disabled,
a password is entered the 1st time the user logs in by IC card, and the password information is sent to the Active
Directory server. When the user subsequently logs in, the password can be omitted.
Automatic Logout with a Card
At the point that the IC card is removed from the IC card reader/writer, the user is logged out. (The user can also log out
by tapping the [Logout] key.)
Authentication Method Setting
Set the authentication method for IC cards.
• If you have logged in as the Auto Login user, and if you have failed automatic login due to some reasons or if you do not
have the administrator's privileges, you cannot use the general setting modes or Setting mode. In that case, the
administrator should tap the [Admin Password] key on the Setting mode screen and log in again.
• To log in as a user other than a fixed user when [Allow Login by Different User] is enabled, tap the [Logout] key to cancel the
fixed user login state. When the user authentication screen appears, log in as the desired user again. After you have used
the machine, tap the [Logout] key to log out as the current user.
Summary of Contents for MX-B355W
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