User Manual SM6026
5.5 Operation example of testing capacitance by multi-frequency list sweep
Test condition
Function: Cp-D
Level: 1Vrms
Other parameters
Compare parameter
Low limit
High limit
Alarm mode: OUT
Operation steps :
1) Turn on the instrument.
2) Set basic parameters.
a) Press [DISP] to enter into the <MEAS DISP> page.
b) The FUNC zone is currently displayed as Cp-D and the Level zone is 1.000V.
c) Press [SETUP] to enter into the <MEAS SETUP> page, meanwhile the following soft keys will be
displayed in the soft key zone: MEAS SETUP, CORRECTION, LIMIT SETUP, SWEEEP SETUP and
d) Press SWEEP SETUP to enter into the <SWEEP SETUP> page.
e) Move the cursor to the
zone. Then this zone will be displayed as FREQ[Hz].
f) Use the knob to move the cursor to the parameter zone of sweep point 1, then this zone will
displayed as ---.
g) Press [1], +1 will be displayed in the prompt information zone and the soft key zone will display
available units: Hz, kHz and MHz. Press kHz, this zone will be changed as 1.0000k.
h) Press [→] to move the cursor to the LMT zone of sweep point 1, then this zone will be displayed as
---. The soft key zone will display: LIMIT DATA A, LIMIT DATA B and OFF.
i) Press LIMIT DATA A to select the compare primary parameter Cp function. This zone will be display A
and the cursor will automatically move the low limit zone of sweep point 1.
j) Press [3][2][5], +325 will be displayed in the prompt information zone and the following available
units will be displayed in the soft key zone: p, n, μ, m and k. Press n, this zone will be changed as
325.000n. Then the cursor will automatically move the high limit zone of the sweep point 1.
k) Press [3] [3] [3], +333 will be displayed in the prompt information zone and the following units will be
displayed in the soft key zone: p, n, μ, m and k. Press n, this zone will be changed as 333.000n and
the cursor will automatically move to the parameter zone of sweep point 2. l) Press [10], +10 will be
displayed in the prompt information zone and the soft key zone will display the following available
units: Hz, kHz and MHz. Press kHz, this zone will be displayed as 10.0000k.
m) Press [→] to move the cursor to the LMT zone of sweep point 2, this zone will be displayed as---.
The following soft key will be displayed in the soft key zone: LIMIT DATA A, LIMIT DATA B and OFF.
n) Press LIMIT DATA B to select the compare secondary parameter D function. This zone will be
displayed as B and the cursor will be automatically moved to the low limit zone of the sweep point 2.
o) Press [0][.][0][0][0][1], +0.0001 will be displayed in the prompt information zone and the soft key
zone will display the following available units: p, n, μ, m and k. Press [ENTER], this zone will be
changed as 100.000μ and the cursor will automatically move to the high limit zone of sweep point 2.