To lighten or darken colors:
If needed, drag a photo from the Transporter.
Select Image menu > Effects, and Color and Tone.
(If desired, click the brush to display and use the brush tools.)
Drag the Hue slider to adjust the colors. If you don’t see the effect you want, click
the tread to open the Color correction drawer.
Select the slider that corresponds to the color you want to adjust. For example, to
adjust color red, choose the red slider.
Drag the slider to adjust the red areas of the photo.
To lighten or darken a selection:
Use the Magic Mask to select the area you want to change. Press Shift+click to add
to your selection if needed.
Then follow the steps listed above.
Automatically Fixing Photos
Soap 2 allows you to automatically fix your photo with just the click of a button. Some
problems are better suited to automatic fixing than others. These include correcting
exposure problems and color balance. Photos that have regions of both black and white
show the best results.
Overall Exposure, Faded Images
Even the best photographers can create poorly exposed photos. Or, you may be working
with an older photo which has faded over time. Soap 2, allows you to easily adjust the
exposure, and restore faded images to their earlier glory.
An example of Auto Enhance.