When working with albums, you can do the following:
• Change album styles and layouts
• Load photos and add text
• Arrange photos and text
• Add pages or page sets
• Navigate through the pages
• Print albums or share albums (as a Web site)
Selecting an Album Style
Start creating an album by selecting an album or frame style. There are 24 album and
frame styles available; however, only 12 styles are displayed at one time. Albums have a
cover, title page, and you can resize the photos. Frames typically say “frame” in the title,
only have a left/right page spread, and you can’t resize photos.
To create an album:
Click the Album tab to display the album area.
(If this is the first time you are creating an album, you will see the style catalog, and
can skip the next step.)
Choose Input menu > New Album. If needed, you will be prompted to save the existing
Click an album style thumbnail to see it displayed in the center of the screen.
Album Page, Style, and Layout controls.