5 PC Interface Board
Rev. 1.9 e
10 Commands And Functions
innovators for industry
unsigned 32-bit value.
= 0: The transmitted value will be used directly.
= 1: The transmitted value will be multiplied by P/16384 and then put out.
are only relevant for Type 3 (= laser power) of the transmitted data word;
• Any other previously activated McBSP transmission for online positioning and any other
previously activated Processing-on-the-fly application with encoder signals or positional
values will first be terminated.
• The command enables inputting via the McBSP interface of up to eight different types
for asynchronous transmission every 10
s. Each 10
s, the data is copied in accordance
with its type code to separate memory, from where it can also be queried via
• To avoid faulty sorting, no active McBSP transmission should be occurring when you
issue the command.
• The McBSP interface always ignores the first FrameSync signal after a
, so available data will not be transmitted (see page
• You must code the transmission’s type assignment into the data word’s least significant
three bits in accordance with McBSPValue = ( Value << 3 ) | Type. The RTC
5 stores
the data word in accordance with
Memory[ McBSPValue & 0x7 ] = (long) McBSPValue >> 3.
• For more on type assignments, see
• The remaining (most significant) 29 bits are available for the data word itself. There are
no further restrictions other than the type-dependent value ranges themselves. The
transmitted values won’t be checked with respect to their ranges. Clipping or data over-
flow may occur.
• The four extra parameters are not the same as the four free variables (see
, although they can be used for similar purposes. Upon
program start, they are initialized with 0 and this command doesn’t further modify
them. The transmitted values merely get copied into type-sorted memory.
Ctrl Command set_multi_mcbsp_in