success rate of communications is relatively low, and the transmission rate shall be reduced or
the transmission environment shall be improved.
The networking of 20 hosts is achievable on the system. The abnormality of any host in
the network will not cause fault of the overall system. All hosts share all alarm messages
(including fire alarm, request, feedback and fault) over the network.
As the main panel of host 1 in the network, it will not only provide a time reference, it will
also support all network command operations. Therefore, a host must be set as the main panel
in the network.
The hosts involved in the network must be registered and each host must be aware of the
online hosts over the network.
Caution: The connecting line of networked host must be of serial connection; star
connection or ring connection is prohibited! Otherwise, the communication will become
Fig 4- 9 Panel networking diagram
4.1.4 Password setup
The password setup interface is as follows:
Fig 4- 10 Password setup window
Modifying method: enter into the new password twice in "New password" and "Confirm". Then
press OK button to save the setup and exit; press Cancel button to retain the original setup and
exit. If the two newly-entered passwords are different, the system will reject the new password
and retain the original password setup.