Health and Safety Information
4. Suspend conversations during hazardous driving
conditions or situations. Let the person you are speaking
with know you are driving; if necessary, suspend the call
in heavy traffic or hazardous weather conditions. Rain,
sleet, snow and ice can be hazardous, but so is heavy
traffic. As a driver, your first responsibility is to pay
attention to the road.
5. Do not take notes or look up phone numbers while driving.
If you are reading an address book or business card, or
writing a “to do” list while driving a car, you are not
watching where you are going. It’s common sense. Don’t
get caught in a dangerous situation because you are
reading or writing and not paying attention to the road or
nearby vehicles.
6. Dial sensibly and assess the traffic; if possible, place calls
when you are not moving or before pulling into traffic. Try
to plan your calls before you begin your trip or attempt to
coincide your calls with times you may be stopped at a
stop sign, red light or otherwise stationary. But if you need
to dial while driving, follow this simple tip-dial only a few
numbers, check the road and your mirrors, then continue.
7. Do not engage in stressful or emotional conversations that
may be distracting. Stressful or emotional conversations
and driving do not mix-they are distracting and even
dangerous when you are behind the wheel of a car. Make
people you are talking with aware you are driving and if
necessary, suspend conversations which have the
potential to divert your attention from the road.
8. Use your wireless phone to call for help. Your wireless
phone is one of the greatest tools you can own to protect
yourself and your family in dangerous situations-with your
phone at your side, help is only three numbers away. Dial
9-1-1 or other local emergency number in the case of fire,
traffic accident, road hazard or medical emergency.
Remember, it is a free call on your wireless phone!
Health and Safety Information
9. Use your wireless phone to help others in emergencies.
Your wireless phone provides you a perfect opportunity to
be a “Good Samaritan” in your community. If you see an
auto accident, crime in progress or other serious
emergency where lives are in danger, call 9-1-1 or other
local emergency number, as you would want others to do
for you.
10.Call roadside assistance or a special wireless non
emergency assistance number when necessary. Certain
situations you encounter while driving may require
attention, but are not urgent enough to merit a call for
emergency services. But you still can use your wireless
phone to lend a hand. If you see a broken-down vehicle
posing no serious hazard, a broken traffic signal, a minor
traffic accident where no one appears injured or a vehicle
you know to be stolen, call roadside assistance or other
special non-emergency wireless number.
Careless, distracted individuals and people driving
irresponsibly represent a hazard to everyone on the road.
Since 1984, the Cellular Telecommunications Industry
Association and the wireless industry have conducted
educational outreach to inform wireless phone users of their
responsibilities as safe drivers and good citizens. As we
approach a new century, more and more of us will take
advantage of the benefits of wireless telephones. And, as we
take to the roads, we all have a responsibility to drive safely.
“The wireless industry reminds you to use your phone safely
when driving.”
Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association For more
information, please call 1-888-901-SAFE.
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