Message services
Contacts for chat
In the Chat contacts list, you can save information about
chat participants, check their availability, and set
tracking to recognise when they log into or out of the
Chat service.
When you open the Chat contacts list, the saved chat
participants display.
indicates that the participant has
logged into the service and indicates that the one has
logged out.
indicates that the participant is blocked.
Chat contacts
, and:
New Chat contact
Enter manually
Add from
. Create a new contact card or select one
from the Contacts list.
Reload user availab.
to update the connection status
of the contacts.
My server contacts
to view the contacts list provided
by your network operator or service provider.
to search for a contact or chat group.
to edit the Chat menu or server settings.
Scroll to a contact, and press the
key to start to
chat, or press the
soft key and select:
Contact details
to view the details of the selected
contact. You can also edit the details.
Switch tracking on
to receive a note when the
connection status of the contact changes. appears
on the chat contacts list to indicate that tracking is
activated for that participant.
Belongs to groups
to view which group the contact
belongs to.