MF 5990 - Agoris M943
- 128 -
16 - Safety
The manufacturer or its suppliers reserve the right of ownership to the Software. You are only the owner of the CD-
ROM. You must not modify, adapt, decompile, translate, create derivative works, rent or sell the Software or
documentation. Any rights not expressly transferred are reserved by the manufacturer or its suppliers.
This license remains in force until cancellation. You may cancel the license by destroying the program and the
documentation and any copies of them. This license will be automatically cancelled if you fail to respect the terms of
this license. In the event of cancellation, you undertake to destroy all copies of the program and the documentation.
The Software is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty of any kind, including warranties of
merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose; all risks concerning the results or performance of this Software shall
be borne by the buyer. In the event the program is defective, all costs of repair shall be at the expense of the buyer.
The following guarantee is however applicable to the license holder: the CD-ROM on which the Software is recorded,
is guaranteed to be free from material physical defects, under normal conditions of use and operation, for a period of
ninety (90) days after the date of delivery, with your receipt as proof of purchase. In the event the defect on the CD-
ROM occurs as the result of an accident or improper use, this CD-ROM will not be replaced under this warranty.
Your retailer's sole liability and your sole recourse is the replacement of this CD-ROM under the terms of the warranty
which should be returned with a copy of your receipt. In no event shall the manufacturer or anyone involved in the
creation, manufacture, sale or delivery of this program be liable for any damages either direct, indirect, incidental,
consequential or otherwise, (including without limitation, lost information, lost time, business interruption, lost income,
lost clients) arising out of the use of or inability to use the Software.
With a view to continuous improvement, the manufacturer reserves the right to modify the characteristics of the
Software without notice. In the event of modifications, your user rights do not give you the right to free updates.
Applicable law
This license is subject to French law. Any disputes arising out of the interpretation or performance of this license shall
be settled by the courts of Paris.
Given the permanent evolution in technology, the manufacturer reserves the right to change the technical
characteristics indicated for this product at any time, without prior notice, and/or to interrupt the production of this
product. All product names and brands which may be registered trade marks by their respective owners are recognized
in this document.
Registered trademarks
Given the permanent evolution in technology, Sagemcom Documents SAS reserves the right to change the technical
characteristics indicated for this product at any time, without prior notice, and/or to interrupt the production of this
product. Companion Suite Pro is a registered trademark of Sagemcom Documents SAS.
Sagemcom is a registered trademark.
PCL® is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company.
PostScript® is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Adobe® and Adobe® products mentions are is registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
PaperPort11SE is a registered trademark of Nuance Communications, Inc.
Microsoft® Windows 2000®, Microsoft® Windows Server 2003®, Microsoft® Windows Server 2008®, Microsoft®
Windows XP®, Microsoft® Windows Vista®, Microsoft® Windows 7® and all other Microsoft® products mentioned are
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation registered and/or used in the United States and/or other countries.
All other brands or product names mentioned as examples or for information are the registered trademarks of their
respective owners.
The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.