Rockwell Automation Publication IASIMP-QS005H-EN-P - April 2016
GuardLogix® Controllers Logic Integration
Chapter 3
19. Double-click the Guard I/O module output tags and browse to the Guard I/O module output tags assigned to the
safety output device controlled by this CROUT instruction.
20. If your zone has multiple output devices requiring separate safety output instructions, then see
example of how to modify the output logic.
Add Safety Input and Safety Output Device Logic for Each Safety Zone
Repeat the
Import Your Safety Input Device Logic
Import Your Safety Output Device Logic
steps on pages
for each zone listed on your Safety Zone Configuration worksheet from
for the completed input and output logic for the Robot_Cell Application example used in this toolkit.
Adding Your Faceplate Logic
The toolkit features three pre-configured faceplates.
• The digital Guard I/O module faceplate lets you view the status of the safety circuits and logic, and provides
diagnostics for safety demands and faults. You will need to add one Guard I/O Add-On Instruction (AOI) for
each digital I/O module in your zone.
• The Guard I/O Analog module faceplate lets you view the status of the analog safety circuits and logic, and
provides diagnostics for safety demands and faults. You will need to add one Guard I/O Analog AOI and one
Guard I/O Analog AOI Safety for each analog module in your zone.
• The safety instruction faceplate lets you monitor the status and diagnostic information of a safety instruction. To
use the safety instruction faceplate, you must first import the required user-defined data type and create a tag using
that data type.