Rockwell Automation Publication IASIMP-QS005H-EN-P - April 2016
Appendix C
GuardLogix® Tools
Macro Security in Microsoft Excel 2007
The wizard in the Safety Estimator spreadsheet uses macros and document-level extensions. When MSExcel 2007 has
macro security turned on, neither of these will run. Macro security is turned on by default when MSExcel 2007 is
installed. There are two ways to work around this.
• Turn off macro security entirely. This the most expedient method but may leave you open to future macro viruses.
• Add the Safety Estimator certificate to the certificate store on your machine and configure your MSExcel software
to trust all content from that source. This is the preferred method. For directions, please read the MSWord
document, Macro Security Settings in Excel 2007.pdf, included with the GuardLogix tools.
Microsoft Excel 2003
If you have MSExcel 2003 installed, follow these steps to install the wizard.
1. Run set up.exe to install all the necessary components.
The set up program installs all of the required files in the default directory or the directory you designate.
2. After the installation is complete, launch Safety Estimator.xls
from your subdirectory
. When it loads in MSExcel
software, the wizard runs automatically. Click the button on the spreadsheet to restart the wizard whenever you
want to.
Using Other Versions of Microsoft Excel Software
If you don't have MSExcel 2003 or MSExcel 2007 installed, don't run the set up program. Instead, move these files to a
convenient folder.
• Safety Estimator.xls
• Safety Estimator Walk through.doc
The walk-through document will instruct you on using the spreadsheet without the help of the wizard.