Rockwell Automation Publication IASIMP-QS005H-EN-P - April 2016
SmartGuard™ 600 Controllers Logic Integration
Chapter 4
3. Click Open to initiate the Zone Function Block import.
The Zone Function Block appears in the User define directory of the FunctionBlock tree.
4. Right-click Zone FB and choose Edit.
The Zone FB appears in the Logic Editor, Page 1.
The Zone FB controls a single safety zone. A zone is a group of all of the monitored safety inputs, such as E-stops,
light curtains, or gate switches, that must have a status of OK to energize a set of safety outputs.
Inside the logic of the Zone FB, an Inputs OK input represents a summation of all of the monitored safety inputs.
The Restart block monitors this import. If the input is OK, a low-high-low transition of the Restart input
energizes the output of the Restart block.
If the output of the Restart block is OK, the External Device Monitoring (EDM) block turns ON the safety
outputs, 01 and 02. The EDM block also monitors the feedback input and turns OFF the outputs if the feedback
does not switch in a predefined time.