Rockwell Automation Publication IASIMP-QS005H-EN-P - April 2016
SmartGuard™ 600 Controllers Logic Integration
Chapter 4
The directory includes three RSNetWorx application files based on the safety category level:
• SmartGuard IO CAT 2
• SmartGuard Guard IO CAT 3
• SmartGuard IO CAT 4
Open the RSNetWorx DNT file appropriate for your application’s safety category level.
2. Double-click the DNT file to launch RSNetWorx for DeviceNet application file.
If RSNetWorx for DeviceNet does not launch, make sure that RSNetWorx for DeviceNet software has been
installed and is at version 9.1 or later.
For this example, we opened SmartGuard Guard IO CAT 4.dnt.
3. Save the file before you make edits.
For this example, the file was saved as RobotCell.dnt.