Rockwell Automation Publication IASIMP-QS005H-EN-P - April 2016
SmartGuard™ 600 Controllers Logic Integration
Chapter 4
6. If you set the Channel Mode to Test pulse from test output, choose the test output to use in combination with the
safety input by selecting it from the Test Source pull-down list.
7. Set the ON Delay and OFF Delay time for the safety input. The setting range is 0 …128 ms. Setting the input ON
and OFF delays helps reduce the influence of chattering and external noise. When setting the value for ON and
OFF Delay, consider the following:
• The ON Delay and OFF Delay time value must be an integral multiple of the controller's cycle time. Make sure
to check the displayed cycle time value before you set the value for ON and OFF Delay time.
• The optimal value for the cycle time is automatically calculated based on the parameter settings and the
program. Therefore, the ON and OFF Delay time must be set last.
8. Set the Dual Channel mode and Discrepancy Time for the safety input.
Setting Dual Channel mode enables the status of two inputs to be evaluated and reflected in I/O tags. The
Discrepancy Time between changes in the status of two inputs can also be evaluated. The combinations that can
be set are pre-defined. The Discrepancy Time can be set between 0 and 65530 ms in 10 ms increments. Both
inputs must change state within the Discrepancy Time or an error occurs.
9. Click OK to save the local safety input configuration.
Channel Mode
Single Channel
The safety input terminal is used independently. The two channels are independent of each other. The module will not detect discrepancy
Dual Channel Equivalent
The safety input terminal is used as a Dual Channel Equivalent with a paired safety input terminal. The channels are dependent on each other.
The active state is when both channels are high. The module will detect discrepancy faults between channels.
Dual Channel Complementary
The safety input terminal is used as a Dual Channel Complement with a paired safety input terminal. The channels are dependent on each
other. This setting is typically used for devices with diverse inputs. Active state is when one channel (first channel) is high the other (second
channel) is low. The module will detect discrepancy faults between channels.