Rockwell Automation Publication IASIMP-QS005H-EN-P - April 2016
Chapter 4
SmartGuard™ 600 Controllers Logic Integration
10. Select the Test Output tab on the Local Input/Test Output tab to access the Test Output configuration.
11. Set the Error Latch Time. The Error Latch Time applies to all safety inputs and test outputs, and sets the time to
latch the error state when an error occurs in an input or output.
Even if the error is removed, the error state is always latched for the configured error latch time. The Error Latch
Time is set from 0…65530 ms in 10-ms increments. The default is 1000 ms.
12. Select each of the Test Outputs and click Edit to access the individual Test Output configuration dialog box.
13. Type the test output name into the I/O Comment field.
For this example, we typed LOCKINGSW1SOLENOID.
14. From the Test Output Mode pull-down list, choose a Test Output Mode based on the following table.
15. Click OK on the Test Output Configuration dialog box to accept the test output configuration.
16. Click OK on the overall Local Input/Test Output dialog box to save the local input and test output configuration.
17. Repeat Steps 1 through 14 to configure each input and test output in your system.
Test Output Mode
Not Used
The corresponding Test Output is not used.
Standard Output
Select this mode if you are connecting to the input from a muting lamp or programmable logic controller. This output is used as a monitor output.
Pulse Test Output
Select this mode if you are connecting a device with a contact output in combination with a safety input.
Power Supply Output
Select this mode if you are connecting to the power supply terminal of a safety sensor. The voltage supplied from the test output terminal to the I/
O power supply (V,G) is output.
Muting Lamp Output
Select this mode to specify a muting lamp output. This setting is supported only on the T3 terminal. When the output is ON, disconnection of the
muting lamp can be detected.