Rockwell Automation Publication IASIMP-QS005H-EN-P - April 2016
Chapter 4
SmartGuard™ 600 Controllers Logic Integration
Follow These Steps
Configure Your SmartGuard 600 Controller and Safety I/O
Follow these steps to access the pre-configured RSNetWorx application file from the toolkit and configure both the
SmartGuard 600 and safety I/O connections for your specific application.
Select and Save Pre-configured Configuration File
1. Browse to the Guard I/O™ and SmartGuard Modules directory in the toolkit.
If the toolkit has been loaded onto your personal computer, the hard drive path is C:\Program Files\
RA_Simplification\SafetyGuardLogix\Files\Guard IO and SmartGuard Modules.
Configure Your SmartGuard 600 Controller
Save and Download Your RSNetWorx Project
Verify Zone Safety Logic Operation
Configure CompactLogix Communication
Save and Download Your Program