Model menu
V-tail / Ailvator
F X - 4 0
This menu presents all the mixer
functions required for controlling
a V-tail, which involves superim-
posing the signals from the rud-
der and elevator controls at the
transmitter. The travels of the ele-
vator function (same-sense
movement) and of the rudder function (opposite-sense move-
ment) can be adjusted independently of each other. The
sketch shows the assignment of the servos for a typical V-tail.
Mark the ‘V-tail’ option in the Model menu. The screen display
now looks like this:
The first step is to define the mode (‘Glob’ or ‘Sepa’) in the
usual way, after which the servo travels for both control surfa-
ces of the V-tail can be set separately for the elevator and rud-
der functions in the form of percentage figures. The same
applies to the directions of movement; this procedure has alre-
ady been described in full many times: first mark the appropri-
ate field, then enter the percentage value using the arrow but-
The adjustment range is -120% to +120%; the default setting
in each case is 50%. Pressing the ‘Reset’ field restores the
default setting. The prefix determines the direction of travel. If
you change a prefix, the software automatically reverses the
direction of the paired control surface.
With the programming procedure complete, the screen might
look like this.
Once you have entered the data, it is essential to carry out a
check using the model itself, to ensure that the V-tail mixer is
operating correctly, and that all the settings are as required.
Check also that the total travel is not excessive, i.e. that the
system is not restricted or obstructed mechanically in any way.
This menu presents all the mixer
functions required for controlling a
pair of elevators which are also
used to generate a rolling moment
(around the longitudinal axis) to
support the wing-mounted
ailerons, i.e. both elevator panels
deflect in parallel with the ailerons.
This option is employed to provide an effective increase in the
roll rate of a fixed-wing model aircraft. The mixer can only be
used if the model is fitted with two elevator servos, each con-
nected to a separate receiver output. The function is someti-
mes called an ‘Ailvator’ system. It be used with normal tails
and also for models with a V-tail (ruddervator). The drawing
shows the arrangement of the functions in the case of a con-
ventional tail.
Mark the ‘Ailvator’ option in the Model menu. The screen now
looks like this:
The first step is to define the mode (‘Glob’ or ‘Sepa’) in the
usual way, after which the servo travels for both control surfa-
ces of the V-tail can be set separately for the elevator and
aileron functions in the form of percentage figures. The same
applies to the directions of movement; this procedure has
been described in full many times: first mark the appropriate
field, then enter the percentage value using the arrow buttons.
The adjustment range is -120% to +120%; the default setting
in each case is 50%. Pressing the ‘Reset’ field restores the
default setting. The prefix determines the direction of travel. If
you change a prefix, the software automatically reverses the
direction of the paired control surface.
With the programming procedure complete, the screen might
look like this.
When you activate a model with two separate elevator panels,
the second elevator is included in the mixer, and the aileron
channel is also mixed into the elevator signal automatically. If
you do not wish the elevators to move when an aileron com-
mand is given, you must set the aileron inputs to 0%. The fol-
lowing screen shot shows a programming set-up which takes
this into account.
(Rudder 2)
(Elevator 2)
(Aileron 5)
Elevator 2
(Aileron 6)