Linkage Menu
F X - 4 0
VC 1 - 4
This set-up menu is used to configure the virtual func-
tions VC 1 … 4. The term ‘virtual function’ is used to des-
cribe functions which use other channels as ‘double
functions’, i.e. they do not have their own servo channels.
Examples of this are the butterfly (crow) function, which
controls the aileron and flap servos, or the elevator func-
tion of a flying wing model, where the ailerons have a dual
function, ‘doubling up’ as elevators.
Each of the FX-40’s virtual functions features its own con-
trol curve (AFR) with 2 … 17 points, providing an extre-
mely straightforward method of adjusting the double
functions separately.
In total the system features sixteen transmitter control
curves (AFR): twelve for functions 1 … 12 plus four for the
virtual functions 1 … 4.
Selecting the channel switches
In this menu you can select the transmitter controls to be used
for the switched channels 13 + 14 (PCM G3 system), and for
switched channel 9 (PCM 1024 system).
This is also where you determine the direction of the switching
action of the transmitter controls, and the position at which the
switch is triggered.
PCM G3 system
DG 1 = switched channel 13
DG 2 = switched channel 14
PCM 1024 system
DG 1 = switched channel 9
PPM 8 system
Eight proportional channels; no auxiliary switched channels
Selecting the trims
It is possible to select any trims you wish to use; simply press
the trim button for the function in question, and the trim set-up
menu appears on the screen.
Trim rate =
trim travel setting, infinitely variable from -150 …
+150% of the transmitter control travel.
Step =
trim increment, variable in the range 1 - 200. Maximum
total trim value = 200.
(example: step = 4 x 50 = 200; 200 x 1 = 200; 1 x 200 = 200)
Trim mode
Normal =
the normal type of trim: the trim range is symmetrical
around the centre point. Adjusting the trim causes the selected
(fixed) trim range to be offset around the centre point, with the
result that the servo end-points alter.
asymmetrical trim: the trim value only changes at one
end of the transmitter control. This is generally used for the
throttle function, as it allows you to fine-tune the idle setting
without altering the full-throttle position.
Centre Trim: this trim function also works around the
centre position of the transmitter control, but without affecting
the end-points. Since the end-points are fixed, this trim mode
changes the trim travels, which become asymmetrical.
Sepa / Glob - Separate / Global
The Glob / Sepa button is used to determine whether the trim
control is the same for all flight modes for the function in ques-
tion = Glob (global). If you switch to Sepa (separate), you can
change the trim control for this function in each of the eight
flight modes. The display changes when you operate the
selected flight mode change-over switch. It is also possible to
set a combination of global and separate-acting trims.
You can use the option of Global or Separate trims not only to
configure different trim controls for each flight mode, but also
to adjust and store different trim values for any particular flight
Typical applications:
1. Different trim controls for each flight mode
In the Normal flight mode the trim controls T1 + T4 are
assigned to the control functions J1 + J4, whereas in the
‘Aerobatics’ flight mode the trim controls T1 + T4 are assig-
ned to the opposite functions (‘cross trims’). This arrange-
ment enables you to control the function with one hand,
whilst adjusting the trim of the same function with the other
2. Different trim values for each flight mode
For model helicopters it can be extremely advantageous to
set and store the different trim values for the static ‘Hover’
flight mode and the dynamic ‘Aerobatics’ flight mode.