Linkage Menu
F X - 4 0
This function provides a means of
adjusting servo travel separately for
each side of centre, separately for
all twelve channels. It is often
necessary to reduce servo travel in
order to prevent the servo output
shaft moving through an angle grea-
ter than that permitted by its mecha-
nical limits. However, servo travel
can also be increased for particular
applications. This function always acts upon the individual
servo channel you select, and all mixed functions involving this
channel. In the same menu you can also enter a servo travel
limit point and the desired servo transit speed for each chan-
nel separately.
Please note that any changes you make to this setting also
affect the trim travel proportionally, as well as any Dual Rate
settings you have programmed.
The following illustrations show the ATV menu for fixed-wing
models and helicopters respectively.
In this menu you can set the desired servo travel, separately
for each side of centre, and also define a limit point. Your pre-
ferred servo transit speed can also be entered at this point.
The menu has two levels: the first display shows channels 1 …
6; the second channels 7 … 12. You can switch between levels
by pressing the appropriately labelled button at top right. The
clearly laid-out graphic display makes the programming very
• Servo travel settings
In the “Travel” column mark the appropriate field for right or
left travel of the servo; the background of this field now
changes to pink. At this stage you can use the single arrow
buttons to increase or decrease the travel in single percen-
tage increments. Pressing the double arrow buttons chan-
ges the values in increments of 10%. If you wish to alter the
travel setting for both directions, you have to remember to
change the value for the other side of centre. The default
setting is 100%, and the travel can be adjusted within the
range 30% to 140%. Pressing the ‘Reset’ field restores the
default setting. If one of the transmitter controls is not in the
neutral position, the current setting is indicated as a white
It is usually only necessarily to set the servo end-points
once for the maximum possible or desired travel, i.e. subse-
quent corrections are not generally necessary. Individual
travel adjustments for particular flight modes can be
entered in the transmitter control travel (AFR) menu, where
you can set up curves with 2 … 17 points for each function,
for a maximum of eight different flight modes.
• Entering limit points
The same procedure is used for determining the servo limit
point: mark the appropriate field and set the value using the
arrow buttons. The limit points can also be entered indivi-
dually for each side of servo travel. The default value is
135%, but the limit point can be varied within the range 0 to
155%. Pressing the ‘Reset’ button restores the default set-
ting. The programmed area is indicated in red on the
Why limit points?
Servo travel can easily exceed the usual limits, for instance, if
transmitter control travel is set to a high value, or if two func-
tions are superimposed, usually by a mixer.
This could cause the servo to strike its mechanical end-stops,
so the limit points should be set in such a way that maximum
possible servo travel is not exceeded, and / or the servo can-
not be damaged by the mechanical linkage.
Setting appropriate limit points ensures that the servo does
not move beyond the position defined by the limit point,
regardless of the transmitter control position and any mixers
which act upon that servo.
• Entering servo transit speeds
If you wish to adjust the servo transit speed to meet parti-
cular requirements, mark the appropriate field in the right
column. Using the arrow buttons, you can now adjust the
servo speed in single increments within the range 0 to 27
increments. The default value is 0 increments. Pressing the
‘Reset’ button restores the default setting.