Once the sanitization cycle by OZONE,
starts a rest cycle lasting 20 minutes. It is not
allowed to interrupt a rest cycle.
During the off cycle, following screenshot will be
displayed :
3 cycles over a period of 24 hours are sufficient to
sanitize the internal cell.
Heating Cycle Product Probe
Use this functioning cycle when the core probe
has to be extracted from the frozen product. The
system proposes following screenshot:
To run the cycle it is necessary to open the door
of the blast chiller, and press in correspondence
of the area
During a current cycle, following screenshot will
be displayed :
Pressing on the area
the display show the
temperatures detected by the various probes, the
state of inputs / outputs and the alarms stored by
the system. To abort the current cycle press for at
least three seconds the area
Thawing Cycle (Optional)
The thawing cycle is managed according to the
amount of product inside the appliance to be
defrosted. Three loading levels are foreseen. For
each of the three levels, the system loads three
different sets of parameters for the temperature
control, the cycle time and the speed of the fans.
The system proposes following screenshot :