Hardware Programming Reference 0.16
Copyright © 2019 QEI
Page 44
/dev/ttymxc1 and /dev/ttymxc2 does not assert RTS# when cat command is
test MSTR_RS422_TXEN
install loopback cable
./mmdump -a 0xB4010000 -o 0x16 -b 0x0
./mmdump -a 0xB4080000 -o 0x06 -b 0x0
observe the contents of fox.txt NOT appear on the terminal
LED's: only yellow/left is blinking, green/right LED is NOT blinking
5.16.3 PORT 11 J7C external loopback test
Install "RS422 LOOPBACK" cable into PORT 11 J7C
./mmdump -a 0xB4010000 -o 0x16 -b 0x1
./mmdump -a 0xB4080000 -o 0x07 -b 0x0
cat /dev/ttyS4 &
cat fox.txt > /dev/ttyS4
observe the contents of fox.txt appear on the terminal
LED's: both yellow/left and green/right LED's are blinking
unplug the loopback cable
observe the contents of fox.txt NOT appear on the terminal
LED's: only yellow/left is blinking, green/right LED is NOT blinking
testing CH7_HLF_DPLX_EN_H
install loopback cable
./mmdump -a 0xB4010000 -o 0x16 -b 0x1
./mmdump -a 0xB4080000 -o 0x07 -b 0x1
observe the contents of fox.txt appear on the terminal
LED's: both yellow/left and green/right LED's are blinking
NOTE: /dev/ttyS4 asserts RTS# when cat command is executed
/dev/ttymxc1 and /dev/ttymxc2 does not assert RTS# when cat command is
test MSTR_RS422_TXEN
install loopback cable
./mmdump -a 0xB4010000 -o 0x16 -b 0x0
./mmdump -a 0xB4080000 -o 0x07 -b 0x0
observe the contents of fox.txt NOT appear on the terminal
LED's: only yellow/left is blinking, green/right LED is NOT blinking
5.17 RS-232